
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


As one forumer pointed out, Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket in Pokemon.

And now, Giovanni is the name of the new server.

Since Giovanni is the leader of the enemy, might it be implied that it's ok to be bad? (of course, this logic is completely irrational. Granado Espada and Pokemon are totally different).

So, what if you bot and then consistently buy GVC's so that you don't get the banhammer. That might work.

It seems that you can't totally get rid of bots in Granado Espada.

It's awful that I'm thinking of botting right now.

Things to watch out for:
1. RMT sites listing Giovanni as one of the servers that they can sell vis. If that happens, I assume they duped the vis to get it.

2. ABS has elite 92 Recipes, thus you might want to vet an Andre and Idge.

3. Just imagine getting all those mega ores and rare books and all the other items without bots. I hate to admit it that bots help in getting quest requirements, and so, they also help the players advance in the game. I think IAH and IMC want the players to advance through the game quickly so that they can earn more. That's why they allow bots.

Conclusion: Bot and top-up often.

Addendum: The Limited Edition Box has Emilia the Sage. She starts at level 40. She might also help you get to vet faster in the new server.

And if you want to bot legally, although nerfed, you can get Grabbermon (oh! there, it's a Pokemon ^_^) But then, you have to be around level 50 first to kill Pilfurr's mommy

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