
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What is Fesos and how do you get it? Plus Jewels.

In the next patch, Fesos would be introduced. It might not be released immediately after announcement of v2.9. It might be released later as part of a trickle of new things in v2.9.

As such, we can only speculate what fesos would be in the Singapore Granado Espada version of the game.

As by my understanding, you can get fesos by exchanging stones. I don't know what these stones are called yet.

There are several ways of getting stones.

Well, here is my first assumption. A way of getting fesos would be through paying 100 reputation points as entrance fee to enter super fights organized by Andre. I'm not sure what this super fight is. Maybe it's player versus player inside. Or maybe it's like a mission lobby. Or it could be both. There was mention, though, that even if your family is low level, you can still participate in super fights.

Inside, you can get stones that in turn can be exchanged for fesos.

I assume that even if you pay 100 reputation points to enter, you are not assured of getting the stones. Maybe whoever the winner is, that's the one who will get the stones.

Another way of getting stones would be inside the Forgotten Territory and the Ancient Territory. This is where you can get stones stones more. As a bit more speculation, there was also mention of a new premium dungeon. It could be a Bahamas dungeon.

And a third way would be to buy G-Points and convert it to fesos.

Aside from that, stones could be given away in events.

So, if you are a free to play player, it would be in your interest to start gaining reputation points so that you can join super fights.

But I think what you would get from the super fights would be a few stones only. Thus, few fesos.

Well, it is still a way of spending reputation points.

Might I also mention that before, you can also get reputation by clicking RNPC's, who were allegedly Panfilo, Diego, the Queen and so on.

And then you can change 1500 reputation points to get mission 4 stones. This was exploited by players. I don't know if the management did this on purpose. It was a way of getting good equipment allegedly.

But now, you can't click RNPC's anymore to get reputation points.

What provides reputation points now are quests and pioneering memorials.

Another way of spending reputation is through the socketing system. The socketing system involves getting ores that you can get from monsters. What these monsters are, are yet to be revealed. I have an inkling that the recently opened rooms in Reboldeaux and Coimbra, where there are soldiers inside who give quests, have something to do with this.

Once you get the ores, you can refine them. You can spend 1 mystery powder to refine it, or you can spend 200 reputation points. Both approaches do not guarantee getting the best jewels, though. They just give an avenue of how to get them.

There are other ways of refining, but they would yield jewels that are less powerful. I my opinion, I think these less powerful jewels are next to worthless because what you would want are the great jewels.

Among the great jewels, a friend mentioned he wants the one with Critical +7. That's the great bloodstone. It's refined from a red ore. So, we have to know which monsters to kill in which maps to get red ores.

I assume getting the great bloodtsone, and all the other great jewels, will be hard.

Jewels are called Rumins. So I guess a jewel is a rumin in the game.

Great rumins will be sought after when the socketing system will be released.

In other news, I'm waiting what halloween event there will be for Sword of the New World: Granado Espada

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