
Sunday, August 22, 2010

I wonder how long I can keep this wealth

As i am susceptible to do stupid things, I foresee that all it takes is one, stupid, impulsive mood from me and all my fortunes will be reversed.

So xLordoftheRingsx messaged me, he said something like, the boastful person was scammed, he deserves it... I don't know what the translation of buti nga is in english

so I said, who?

My mind is still on Pentium III and it's slow and then I realized, maybe he was pertaining to me, lol, maybe he thinks I am boastful

I am tired of putting myself down, I know how to be humble, and I'm tired of it. I just want to be midline. Not humble, not boastful. I don't want to be boastful, but what am I supposed to do, this is how much gstones I have. Cabrons asked how I got so many, so I said, I just bought them.

As simple as that. I didn't buy uber expensive aquas or dr3 armors or constellation weapons, I chose instead to amass a large amount of gstones. I don't even know if that's plenty, maybe there are other people who have more and they are just quiet. Besides, we have the same amount of vis, or maybe they have more, but theirs is in the form of weapons, and mine is just liquid.

And besides, the management controls the game, they can introduce some game-changing promo, like when they put dhr in abs or the elite 92 recipes there...they could put gstones too and then if they do that, I'm going to lose a lot of vis

There, that is how you can hurt me. Drop the price of gstones and I'm going to cry.
Or maybe not. I don't care about the game anymore.

Selling in Auch is a curse, because I want to go out and explore and play, but I can't because I'm vending in Auch. And then when I do go out in the maps, I feel that I should go back to auch and sell there. I don't want selling in Market Manager because I'm always undercut.

I don't really care anymore about getting constellations or whatever weapons or armors, it's a curse, I will spend so many chips and vis and I'm only going to end up with zero.

I don't want to play with other characters like Hellena, Calyce or Ania, they're all inferior to musks

I don't want to play in SCR and fight the Vespanolas in a squad anymore, I did that. I stayed awake overnight and just kept pressing Outrage Shot and it wasn't fun. My body ached, I didn't sleep properly, I grew older just because of that experience. It's horrible.

And I don't want to level higher than Master 125 because the Bounty Hunter quest can only let in up to 125.

I'm tired of leveling up Enhanced Tactics, it's so slow to level up.

I want the game to be fun again! I want to level up fast, I want to pick up a lot of items, I want to feel the thrill and excitement again.

The 100% exp boost is just a bargaining tool. When players leave, in comes the 100% to bring them back.

This game is 3 years old already and it's 2010 now. But in term so graphics, I still love the graphics ^_^

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