######################## Instruction ##########################
1.Copy Ge.exe vao folder Release ( nen back up file cu truoc)
2.Copy MyHotKey vao folder release\user\hotkey\
3.Copy file user.xml vao folder Release
######################## Commands ############################
*** only left Shift can be use, the number used must be in main keyborad. not numlock in right keyboard. ***
*** shift 4,Q,A,Z,W,S,X,R,F,V will be OFF when ever change map, channel and new game. ***
*** Protection Field should choose Cha1 or Cha2 or Cha3 only one character. ***
*** The effect of AI will depends on the no. of times u pressed ***
***Chi nut Shift ben trai co the su dung , so duoc su dung nam o keyboard chinh . Ko fai so nam ben numlock(ben phai)
***shift 4,Q,A,Z,W,S,X,R,F,V se tu dong mat tac dung khi chuyen map , chuyen channel , log out
*** Skill Protection Field chi su dung duoc 1 trong 3 char
*** Tac Dung cua auto phu thuoc vao so lan an .
Shift + 1 [ ON/OFF Cha1 Pick ] - character1 pick item.- Char 1 luom item
Shift + 2 [ ON/OFF Cha2 Pick ] - character2 pick item.- Char 2 luom item
Shift + 3 [ ON/OFF Cha3 Pick ] - character3 pick item.- Char 3 luom item
Shift + 4 [ ON/OFF Auto Keep ] - Auto Keep. Tu dong dung day ngay khi bi nga~
*** choose this command after press space bar. ***
Shift + 5 [ ON/OFF Auto Heal ] - Healer & Atk Healer can Heal. (start Healer) - Scout / Viki ..... Tu buff mau khi cam vu khi
*** ON Healer, ON Atk Healer, ON Healer & Atk Healer, OFF first start ON Healer. (normally) ***
Shift + 6 [ ON/OFF Auto SP ] - add SP for Catherine, Jack, Yeganeh, Angie when Summon only. - Tu dong bom SP ( chi dung chi Cath,Jack,Angie,Yenagen)
*** use short cut SP Potion into position I K ,. *** De Sp o o^ I , K ,,
Shift + 7 [ ON/OFF Jack Range ] - Jack, Angie, Yeganeh Range CLOSE, FAR. (deafault is CLOSE)
Shift + 8 [ ON/OFF Attack Range ] - Attack Range 1000 - 2000. (deafault is 1400)
Shift + 9 [ ON/OFF Pick Range ] - Pick Range 1000 - 2000. (default is 1400)
Shift + 0 [ ON/OFF Auto Potion ] - use Potion when HP < 50% - 90%. - Tu dung HP
*** use short cut HP Potion into position U J M. *** - De HP o o^ U J M
Shift + H [ ON/OFF Type Heal ] - Type Heal is PARTY and TEAM. (our team) (start PARTY)- Buff mau chi family cua minh hoac cho pty .
Shift + N [ ON/OFF Auto Resus ] - Resuscitation. (Scout Emilia Viki Romina RescueKnight) (only our team)- Tu dong hoi sinh khi co nguoi chet .
Shift + L [ ON/OFF Master Reset ] - Reset everything to normal. (except Auto Keep, Attack Range, Pick Range) - Reset lai Auto
Shift + Q [ ON/OFF Cha1 AI ] - character1 Auto AI. - Tu dong Auto Char 1
Shift + A [ ON/OFF Cha2 AI ] - character2 Auto AI.
Shift + Z [ ON/OFF Cha3 AI ] - character3 Auto AI.
*** Wizard, Mboma, EmiliaSage will use Levitation when AI activated. ***
*** Wizard, Mboma, EmiliaSage will auto SP when SP uses up. Will land and re - levitate after auto SP. ***
*** use short cut SP Potion into position I K ,. ***
*** Levitation ON 4 STANCE (for Wizard / ets) , ON 3 STANCE (for Mboma) , OFF. ***
*** Wizard, Emilia, EmiliaSage use Levitation. (Protection Field will be off) ***
*** Catherine summon all dolls. ***
*** Jack and Yeganeh build cannon, cannon+ fence, cannon+ ward, cannon+ fence+ ward. (stance must true) ***
*** Cannon refers to both Cannon turrets and Siege Cannon turret stance. ***
*** Angie same Jack. (stance must true) ***
*** ViKi summons only one monster and will depend on how many time u pressed for monster type. ***
*** Treasure golem = hill giant, Iron Ararat = Ararat for amicus stance. ***
*** Multiple summoner can be used ***
*** Musketeer, Grace, Najib, CatherineDEX,STR,INT can Kneel but can't move. (it's not good enough) ***
*** other job will have no effect. ***
Shift + W [ ON/OFF Cha1 BUFF ] - character1 use skill BUFF.
Shift + S [ ON/OFF Cha2 BUFF ] - character2 use skill BUFF.
Shift + X [ ON/OFF Cha3 BUFF ] - character3 use skill BUFF.
*** Warlock use Skill2, Skill6, Skill2 & 6, OFF. (stance must true) ***
*** Wizard use Protection Field, Skill6, OFF. (stance must true) ***
*** Soso, Irawan use Skill4 for stance chapter of fire. (stance must true) ***
*** Gracielo, Gurtude use Skill6. (All character) ***
*** Karjalainen, Panfilo use Skill2 for some stance. (stance must true) ***
*** Musketeer use Concentrate, Concentrate & Westraid for stance double gun shot, OFF. (stance must true) ***
*** Infantry use Concentrate. ***
*** AdelinaPirate, Garcia, Brunie, Grace use Westraid for stance double gun shot. (stance must true) ***
*** Wizard, Emilia, EmiliaSage, CatherineDEX, STR, INT use Protection Field. (stance must true) ***
*** (Levitation will be off) ***
*** Eduardo, Kurt use Grim Ripper. (stance must true) ***
*** Fighter use Provoke, Guardian for stance high guard, OFF. (stance must true) ***
*** Grandma use Provoke. ***
*** Romina, RescueKnight use Guardian. (stance must true) ***
*** Scout, Soho, Soho the wind, ViKi use Fortitudo. (stance must true) ***
*** Intensify + Acceleration + Meditation, Intensify + Fortify + Meditation, OFF. ***
*** Fortitudo buff Only to be place as character3. ***
*** other job will have no effect. ***
Shift + R [ ON/OFF Cha1 Skill ] - character1 use skill1-5, OFF.
Shift + F [ ON/OFF Cha2 Skill ] - character2 use skill1-5, OFF.
Shift + V [ ON/OFF Cha3 Skill ] - character3 use skill1-5, OFF.
*** shift R,F,V target is only monsters. ***
*** Jose can use this command to shoot cannon. (in option game must change target ground to auto) ***
Shift + T [ ON/OFF Cha1 Atk ] - character1 ON/OFF Attack. (start ON)
Shift + G [ ON/OFF Cha2 Atk ] - character2 ON/OFF Attack. (start ON)
Shift + B [ ON/OFF Cha3 Atk ] - character3 ON/OFF Attack. (start ON)