
Saturday, November 12, 2011


Just like substance misuse (alcohol, narcotics), Granado is like addicting tooo.. and I've relapsed...

My goodness... need to quit

Focus my attention on other things...

Oh, 2ne1 is making it big :) I wonder if BEP will be in NYC too :)


(to further my addiction :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ghost Coins

So I was stuck at 76 coins and I redeemed it for a halloween box. I got three Hrin liquors.

I must admit, I have lost the passion to play this game.

What I want right now is to get good armors...

It's too late...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I press F2 to choose my second character but the screen dims on this HP dv6...And I wonder where my screenshots are.. I used playfast to install GE and I can't find the screenshots folder

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Chrome is slow... or my internet is slow... or it's fast if I don't download and play GE...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Something caught my eye

It's Chrome market place. It feels like Apple's. And it's not bad.

2ne1, happy that BEP found them ^_^

Granado, finally, the expert pistol stance exists.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Till the world ends

whoo oh oh oh ^_^ I like it, more than the first one :)

Although I don't remembers the lyrics even after listening to it a dozen times.

so I am pleased with this song :)

But not much

Have been waiting for a nice song for quite some time now. And it has come...

um what else

why can't I sing to it?! I wish I had a singing voice

Sunday, February 20, 2011

no robots

oh no, there's no robots in kylie's tour

everything is predictable.

none of the kooky skull or weirdness

It's all feathers

No weapons

Her ear wings look great ^_^ I wish she had a sword or a spear or something

There's no giant screen

Saturday, February 12, 2011

GE Trinoma TGIF

So I attended. I saw xriskbreakerx, sherwin (ripclaw), mena, eldeon rose, ruu, i think chii was there but not sure if it was her

and then win

I got a celphone wiper :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nokia and Microsoft

So, after so much speculation, the most obvious happens. Nokia will have Phone 7. But Phone 7 is like a burning platform too. But, I don't know, perhaps there is space for a third.

So there are Nokia fans.

And there are Microsoft fans.

Where does this fit in. Microsoft charges 15 bucks for Phone 7. So ASP will have that tacked on.

What do I see, what do I see

Ummm Meego and Phone 7, which was better? Could have wished for Nokia and Android. But duh, it was so obvious, why the heck did I even speculate.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

bep, nokia

bep, I like how they have like Kylie's dancers

Bep and 2ne1, did I do it omg I need to get rid of this delusion

will.iam pls take care of me so that I continue to tell what I like

nokia, well, i see that they're going android. Even euro telecoms can see it coming, and they're telling that they don't want it.

GE land, ummm just a pastime

My pioneering pistols are starting to be ineffective

Music... what do I like...

Nothing yet.

I need to go to the states!! I don't have a visa :(

I'm on suicide mode right now... this is sad... I need to wake up and but there's no turning back already.

I don't know what guidance else to say...

Well, willow smith whip my hair lol

Most of the new music I like are already popular...

If you can put lyrics on SoundTemp

Oh um i think i saw the atrix ad with the planet eartha nd then the red planet which reminded me of my ad...

My goodness, why am I thinking like this, I must be going crazy...

Well, 2011, GE is about to shut down I suppose. I need to spend all of the growth stones now and everything.

No new guidance I suppose. Am I losing my touch?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do I marry for love or money

Do I marry for love or money?
A friend replied, "Marry for happiness"
I said, money makes me happy.
Why am I like this?
I hate it.
Solution: work so that I will earn money, for everyday expenses, to buy the things that will make me happy.
Also, a lot of people wants me to say I love you to them. I did before, sometimes, out of sympathy. I shouldn't do that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

going back to my roots

start from the beginning to get rid of this stupid anhedonia

how could i have anhedonia when i enjoy the game:)

well, that's more like addiction...

Things to do:
1. rest
2. jan 25 ward meeting
3. pack things, iron, get ready for escapade
4. exercise
5. Replace keyboard

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I hate that Basilisk :( But I was able to kill it!

I wasn't able to do with the Blink Dog what I did to the Basilisk, though. Wasted a couple of soul crystals.

What else... nothing much. Maybe I'll go to the the Chaos Pink pass

I look at the pictures and I'm right clicking to rotate, lol.. maybe in the future, jpgs can be rotatable :) It's the natural progression, TV's have 3D now, Nintendo has Nintendo 3DS, so maybe jpgs of MMO's can be 3D rotatable :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

~Happy 2011~Granado Espada

I like the voice acting lol plus the japanese :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dance moves

bep needs some dance moves... boom boom pow had some promising ones but I can't dance to it, too few steps.. maybe they can hire someone to teach them

britney's new one reminds me of beckham's out of your mind.. but it's different

2011 and I'm lacking anything new.. what do I look forward to...

Android is nowhere near mass market. It's high end.

Been dabbling with content creation again. So I'm writing lyrics :) I'm inspired by Beck's loser :) It's the path that will hopefully come up with something. So far, a few lines that don't rhyme... but does it have to rhyme...

I need to fly and see things for myself! But I'm stuck here :(

Fergie:a palm tree hair :) that would be so young, so cool, so wacky, so odd, so not taking oneself seriously :) It'll definitely get attention.. or maybe Taboo :) like a parody video, About fans

The problem with the new 2ne1, fans can't copy their clothes and hair anymore. It used to be fun because they can just rummage through their closet and find clothes to match 2NE1's outfits, but now, it's all difficult. I want street clothes back. And I want natural hair. It's difficult to dye hair into red and then go to school with that :)

an update just to update :)

I don't know anymore what to do in Granado. I could level up to master level 10. After that, what? i could get a silver earring.. or just find a nice, fun spot to play in... i like the Christmas event :) There's something to look forward to after collecting gold coins :) Castilla, I'm able to defeat the first metal boss with a megaman digger arm. And then the chaos phobitan general, I killed him once today. It's the regular phobitans that kill me! They swat me like a fly :( So, I just need to survive for maybe one minute and then I can kill then with outrage :) I like Corsair Rosso's + attack speed. The other armors don't have that. So I don't know what to do. The other armors are expensive. Maybe an earring that gives immunity...I wonder if I can reach attack speed 9. The Sylph wings are nice :) I like it :) It's like getting a buff for 30 days :) I'm looking for other places to solo.. other fun places. I tried the arena in bahia but the waiting time makes me leave the computer and not come back. And the prize isn't that enticing. It's too slow. I'm thinking of spending all of the fesos just to pay my way in the Castilla mine... but I might as well buy armor...