bep, I like how they have like Kylie's dancers
Bep and 2ne1, did I do it omg I need to get rid of this delusion
will.iam pls take care of me so that I continue to tell what I like
nokia, well, i see that they're going android. Even euro telecoms can see it coming, and they're telling that they don't want it.
GE land, ummm just a pastime
My pioneering pistols are starting to be ineffective
Music... what do I like...
Nothing yet.
I need to go to the states!! I don't have a visa :(
I'm on suicide mode right now... this is sad... I need to wake up and but there's no turning back already.
I don't know what guidance else to say...
Well, willow smith whip my hair lol
Most of the new music I like are already popular...
If you can put lyrics on SoundTemp
Oh um i think i saw the atrix ad with the planet eartha nd then the red planet which reminded me of my ad...
My goodness, why am I thinking like this, I must be going crazy...
Well, 2011, GE is about to shut down I suppose. I need to spend all of the growth stones now and everything.
No new guidance I suppose. Am I losing my touch?