
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm back and happy to be playing

I'm now piloting rachmaninof family. I don't know when the owner will be back, so I'm assuming control. Rachmaninof is a composer.

The flash game above, it was hosted in geocities, but since Geocities closed, I saved it somewhere but I couldn't find it lol ^_^ Maybe I'll make a new one...

Excited to afk 3 musks later when the 100% exp boost is up.

Will be making machinima but not yet, first have to remove all manners of itunes, quicktime and junk that my siblings installed. Needs to make PC run smoother. I like Apple though, it does the job. Currently liking Bad Romance. Hope it's still popular when I get the time to make it.
Direction right now is sexy...follow up to vacation machinima was ^%$ so made it unreleased. (for the director's cut dvd lol I am having delusions)
(secretly plotting to one-up divinicus blog, i love that blog, so sexy, so must go super sexy hehehe)

I also viewed ashardalon blog often... so props for that.

Also, my voice. It's lower! Happy that adolescence is catching up on me, but now, I can't make the female ele voice anymore lol

Who cares anyways, no one's reading this.

so many things I want to do but so little time, I all I want is to play.

This game is so addicting...

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